Technical Support Providers
There is no limit to the situations that water treatment plant operators may find themselves troubleshooting. It would be nearly impossible for one person to possess all of the specialized technical knowledge required to operate, maintain and continuously upgrade a water treatment plant, so it is inevitable that you will at some point require technical support. Make sure that technical support providers have been identified prior to an emergency need for their service and that your local management and leadership understand the need to support you in reaching out. Knowing that they’re you’re not alone in your effort to provide for your people makes a big difference. Below is a list of organizations that offer technical support to operators in different regions.
- Inter Tribal Council of Arizona (ITCA) – Technical Assistance: The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona offers a wide variety of technical assistance free of charge (while funding is available) that may be accomplished through onsite visits, phone or email communication. Visit their website or view their ITCA Tribal Water Systems Technical Assistance Fact Sheet to learn more about the kinds of assistance that they offer. Region: nationwide
- Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative (ARUC): Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative provides training, management and operations support, and billing, hiring and technical assistance to its 27 member communities. A minimum of one year of participation in the Assisted Billing program is required in order for a community to become eligible for full membership in the collaborative. Region: Alaska
- Tribal Utility Support, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium:
Moreno, Francine R - – Tribal Assistance Providers: The website has a great list of organizations; Federal Providers, Regional & Local Providers and Tribal Organizations
- Alaska RMW Program
The Remote Maintenance Worker Program develops the capacity of Rural Alaskans to operate local water and sewer facilities, while safeguarding State and Federal capital investments in utility infrastructure. Our primary services are to:- Provide over-the-shoulder training and technical assistance to local water and sewer operators in over 180 rural communities through a circuit rider program.
- Provide immediate response to emergency situations that threaten or impact community water and sewerage facilities.
- Provide regional classroom training for area utility operators.
- Maintain an inventory of emergency repair equipment for loan to communities.